Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Date: 30.03.2010

Time: 1223-1243 p.m.

Location: F52

Presenters: Ahmed Ali H00130910 & Hedley

Subject: Polluted cities worldwide.


Ahmed showed 10 slides to illustrate the worldwide nature of urban pollution: Abu Dhabi, Berlin, Cairo, London, L.A., New Mexico, Paris, Santiago, Texas and one entitled World War Two.

Hedley then followed up with 10 slides of the most polluted cities today. The problem is acute in several Chinese, Russian & Indian cities.

The slides were colourful, informative and interesting. Apart from population figures, the slides had no written content.

Body language: Ahmed & Hedley talked directly to the audience. They did not read from notes. They established eye contact and appeared to enjoy giving their presentation.

There was plenty of comment from the class during the course of the presentation. Questions & observations were confidently handled.

The English was accurate & clear throughout.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1015

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Khalid H00137908 & Al Munther H00128002

Subject: Toyota

Slides: colourful, relevant & informative. The founder's family name was Toyoda. One or two grammatical errors, e.g. conclution.

Generally both had good eye contact and body language was positive.

English clear and, for the most part, accurate.

Questions in general were answered competently.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1030

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Masoud H 00131565 & Ahmed AbdulRahman H 00132533

Subject: Water Consumption

Slides: 12 colourful and informative slides, with an emphasis on statistics from Canada.

Eye contact from both was good, delivery confident and body language positive. Both unfortunately tended to read points word for word from the slides, which were a tad wordy.

English was very clear and accurate.

Questions were answered most confidently.

Date: 11.04.2010

Time: 1045

Location: F52

Presenters: Abdulrahman H00128332 & Mohsin H00132268

Subject: The UAE 1960-70

Slides: Mostly black & white, but relevant, informative & interesting.

Good eye contact and positive body language.

English clear and questions dealt with adequately.

Questions competently dealt with.

Date; 11.04.2010

Time: 1100

Location: F52

Presenters: Fahad H00130970 & Mohd Hassan H00132994

Subject: Recycling

Slides: colourful & informative. Mohd Hassan had a tendency to read the wording on the slides.

English & eye contact adequate; body language quite positive, in spite of some nerves from both.

Questions handled quite competently.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1215

Location: F52

Presenters: Saif H00132862 & Faisal H00133058

Subject: The UAE, past & present

Slides: interesting & informative.

Attitude & body language positive. Saif's delivery particularly confident & fluent.

English very clear & accurate.

Questions answered most confidently & clearly.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1245

Location: F52

Presenters: Mohd Rashid H00132635 & Sultan H00134237

Subject: Starting a business

Slides: clear but perhaps a little wordy. The subject doesn't easily lend itself to pictorial representation.

Both made reasonably good eye contact but perhaps referred to the screen too often.

English and question answering were satisfactorily clear.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1300

Location: F52

Presenters: Saood H00131022 & Mohd Saleh H00128186

Subject: The UAE in the past

Slides: black & white but interesting, informative and relevant.

The body language of both was very positive and they both made excellent eye contact. Their spoken English contained some errors but they both spole loudly & confidently. They both answered questions readily & cheerfully.

Date: 13.04.2010

Time: 1315

Location: F52

Presenters: Rashid H00132879 & Salem H00133895

Subject: Giving up smoking

Slides: only 8 but reasonably informative/relevant.

Eye contact from both was adequate overall but Salem, in particular, could work on ths aspect of his prentation style. Body language of Rashid OK but Salem rather diffident.Both answered questions but Salem often needed a lot of prodding & encouragent to become more than monosyllabic in his responses.

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