Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Presentations

Abdulla Masoud H00131565

Date: 23.05.2010. Time: 1025-1040.

Title: Endangered species & how to save them.

Introduction & wrap: clear introduction & statement of problem. Questions painstakingly handled at the end, in spite of some language difficulties.

Body language and eye contact were positive and adequate.

Slides: colourful & clear and well-handled during questions.

Some pronunciation problems with key words e.g. extinction/species, which could have been better practised beforehand.

Response of audience: interested, positive, favourable.

Faisal Saif H00133058

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1203-1213

Title: Junk food

Introduction clear; he fielded questions reasonably well.

Body language positive; eye contact OK.

Slides were colourful & informative. He did tend to read from the slides but, to be fair, he added his own observations, including a personal anecdote, for the slides.

Language was fit for purpose.

Audience reaction: quite positive.

Mohamed Saleh H00128186

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1225-1235

Title: Hacking

Introduction and question-handling competent.

Enunciation was loud but quite often inaccurate. Not always 100% clear but, overall, quite effective. Some linguistic errors, e.g. he have & he need (on a slide: poor prep.)

Body language positive; eye contact OK.

Slides not colourful and better graphics would have helped.

Ahmed Abdul Rahman H00132633

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1239-1248

Title: Traffic congestion problems in the UAE & how to solve them.

Very clear introduction. Delivery loud, clear & confident.

Body language & eye contact good.

Good bar charts to show parking problems & journey times to work for the UAE & neighbouring countries. Dubai worst with 1h 45mins. Surprisingly parking bigger problem in Dubai than AD.

A confident & assured presentation but, unusually, a little hesitant in fielding some of the questions.

Saood Abdulla H00131022

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1249-1306

Title: Growing crime rates in Dubai.

Delivery occasionally a trifle jerky but loud and ver clear.

Types of crime & criminals: clear categories shown on the slides but descriptions contained minor inaccuracies, e.g. distinction between murder & manslaughter.

Well received by the audience.

Mohamed Rashed H00132635

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1325-1343

Title: Obesity

Introduction & general delivery clear & quietly confident.

Body language could do with being a little more positive. At times, rather diffident.

Slides: wording often obscured by images. Tended to be rather repetitive & non-specific.

Fahad Abdrabboh H00130970

Date: 25.05.2010 Time: 1345-1355

Title: Tyre recycling

Introduction & delivery quite clear and confident.

1 or 2 factual errors marred presentation, e.g. the information that tyres were made from 20 different chemicals was accompanied by a slide showing 6 component parts of a tyre.

Some grammatical errors on slides. Could & should have been better prepped.

Mohamed Hasan H00132994

Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0830-0840

Title: Population problems in Dubai

Delivery quite good. Could have spelled out the problem more clearly in introduction.

Tended to read from slides.

What boosted his mark was his body language, eye contact & pertinacity when fielding questions at the end.

Munther Taj Aldeen H00128002

Title: Divorce in the UAE

Introduction very clear; questions effectively fielded.

Attitude & body language excellent. Delivery confident & assured. Good articulation.

Slides very colourful & informative.

Ahmeed Ali H00130910

Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0910-1920

Title: Soft drinks

No real problem was spelled out clearly at the outset.

The presentation consisted of the presenter reading out, not very well, large chunks of text from the slides. All students had been warned of the folly of this appr0ach.

An inadequately prepared and delivered presentation.

Abdulla Khaled H00137908

Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0922-0931

Title: Bankable dreams

Abdyulla presents competently with adequate eye contact & positivity of body language.

But it was not clear from his introduction what problem he was trying to describe, nor at the end what his solutions were.

The slides, however, were colourful & informative and the presentation entertained the audience.

Rashed Mohamed H00132879

Date: 26.05.2010 Time: 0935-0940

Delivery was reasonably clear, if somewhat perfunctory.

Introduction did not satisfactorily highlight a specific problem.

Read from slides as if presenting a travelogue. No real analysis.

Overall, superficial & short. Barely adequate.