Tuesday, January 5, 2010



This is a movie by Irina Salina.

The human body is 70% water & takes in impure water not just by drinking but also by washing & showering.


Getting clean water to the poor is difficult using traditional methods because it's too expensive. 10 litres of water per day costs US$2 per person per year. Suez is the company that is damming the Ganges in order to sell back water to Indian citizens at 10 times the price it had been. There are 7,600 community-built water harvesting projects in India. The women in the movie are sitting in protest against Coca-Cola. The result of the protest against Coca-Cola was that the company was forced to close the plant. The BBC found that the free fertilizer given to the people was actually waste, full of toxins like cadmium.
The organisation which has legal immunity, and so can't be sued for breaking promises, is the World Bank.

The USA:

Atrazin is a weedkiller. Some of its side-effects are that it makes men more feminine & also causes prostae & breast cancer.
The state of California has 27 years of water left, Arizona 4.5.
3 out of 4 Americans drink bottled water. Nestle markets 70 brands of bottled water. It does not pay for the water it takes from the community. It receives a tax break of US$10M over 10 years. During a time of drought the company continued to pump water. The judge in the court case found 'diminishing the integrity of the flow of water.' Nestle appealed and, during the appeal, continued to pump water.


The blood in the drinking water comes from a slaughterhouse. The companies supplying water to poor people for profit are Suez & Vivendi. The country privatised water because the World Bank demanded it.

311 words